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Like most things in life, Kazamaza has two faces bordering on split personalities:

Kazamaza print magazine and kazamaza.com.

The Magazine

Kazamaza magazine features the work of its readers, focusing on the creative wealth of young adults, 18 and older, who are at the boiling point of their lives. Kazamaza is non-conformist. It prints original work on condition that it be precocious, entertaining and thought-provoking at the same time. Send your material to INFO at KAZAMAZA dot COM

تهدف مجلة كذامذا الى نشر اعمال نابضة بحياة وواقع الشباب عند نقطة الغليان في حياتهم. اهتماماتها متعددّة لكن هاجسها الأساسي تسليط الضوء على الغنى الابداعي لدى قرّائها الشباب الذين يساهمون في كتابة صفحاتها. ارسلوا اعمالكم الى INFO at KAZAMAZA dot COM.

The Website

kazamaza.com is an open forum for visitors to browse its various sections. But if you were one of those who itch to express themselves, then you are only clicks away from unleashing your creative powers:

1) REGISTER You setup your own Kazamaza account if you don’t have one.

2) CREATE You write it (ورق), record it (اكشن), tape it (تشويش), or snap it (فلاش).

3) UPLOAD You upload it to share with the millions of web-literati.